weather United States New York Skyports Incorporated Seaplane Base
  • 15 day forecast

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  • Weather Monday - -
Time / Hour

Today's Forecast

Nicolas LE GALL

Forecast produced by Nicolas LE GALL

Updated at - Next update at (local time)

In Short
expert la chaîne météo Expert’s summary

Tonight in New York Skyports Incorporated Seaplane Base, Stormy but gradually improving. Heavy showers.
Temperatures will vary between 22 and 26°C.
The reliability of the situation is good.

This evening

Rain or stormy rain
23° Feels Like 25°
Gusts 35 km/h W 15 km/h
Decreasing thunderstorm activity.
A few heavy showers.
Risk of rain 85 %


Light showers or intermittent light rain
19° Feels Like 15° due to the wind
Gusts 35 km/h NW 20 km/h
Unsettled weather becoming clear.
Gradually fading light showers.
Risk of rain 50 %


Sunday 30 june

  • Day
    -1 min
  • Waning
  • Sunrise
  • Sunset
  • Martial

Next days

Points of interest arround New York

Near New York Skyports Incorporated Seaplane Base